Thursday, October 25, 2012

Compiling C++ code after Ubuntu 12.10 upgrade...

Recently upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10 quantal and almost immediately found out that Omnet++ is not compiling any more :)

It turns out the issue is with the new gcc 4.7 compiler.

After Googling the issue, I stumbled on this post that help me fix it. The problem is with file that throws an error

 add the following lines to fix the issue:

#ifdef _WIN32


Thanks Georgi for posting it. It worked like a charm.

Hope it helps you as well.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

R + Omnet++ = Love++

I have blogged previously about the R Framework.

Now I found this great R packages that allows to import omnetpp results files (*.sca, *.vec) into R.

The package supports loading the contents of OMNeT++ result files into R, organizing the data and creating various plots from them.

 I found the tutorial very helpful.


Update 28/11/2012: Came across some very helpful tips for using the package here

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Finally a way to add a PDF comment within Latex - Thank you PDFCOMMENTS

For awhile now I have been looking for ways to add PDF comments within latex.

Some suggested to use: \marginpar{}

I did't like it...

This morning I stumled upon this discussion page: How to annotate PDF files generated by pdflatex?

Note, I also discovered that PDFLatex has \pdfannot command. However I couldn't figure out or find an example to make it work. If you have please let me know :)

Altough \pdfcomments package offeres some cool features I encounter a few problems with it, while using TexMaker on Ubuntu.

  1. Embedded TexMaker view doesn't allow to view annotations. It displays an icon but nothing happens when you click on it.
    1. I use external viewer for it, however not without problems: Ubuntu default viewer - Evince   - is known to have problem displaying with PDFannotiations. I switched to Okular to view the comments.
  2. \pdfmarkupcomment doesn't work - not even with Okular :(

Have fun. Comment on your experience with it.