Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Omnet++ vs Ubuntu 11.10 and the winner is....

Hey everyone,

Did you encounter any problems running Omnet++ simulation after an update to Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) ?

Well if you are getting this error message:
 Error during startup: No user interface (Cmdenv, Tkenv, etc.) 
Then you will be happy to know there is a solution! Yes, all the credit goes to Omnet++ team, specially Horning Rudolf for posting the solution here.

It is very simple:

In Makefile.inc.in find the following lines (towards the end): 
CMDENV_LIBS = -u _cmdenv_lib -loppcmdenv$D -loppenvir$D 
TKENV_LIBS = -u _tkenv_lib -lopptkenv$D -loppenvir$D -lopplayout$D 
and replace them with:
CMDENV_LIBS = -u _cmdenv_lib -Wl,--no-as-needed -loppcmdenv$D -loppenvir$D 

TKENV_LIBS = -u _tkenv_lib -Wl,--no-as-needed -lopptkenv$D -loppenvir$D

make clean

This should work with all omnet 4.x version. Spread the info for other users
suffering from the issue. 

That's it. Enjoy and spread the word.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

you R - so beautiful to me :)

Need to do statistical analysis of your data, plot a graph, etc:


[Update 3/12/2012]: I am using RStudio  and it's a great tool!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Binary to Decimal conversation

I've been fiddling with bits and needed to convert a set of large  binary string to decimal. In my first attempt, I applied Excel formula BIN2DEC  - worked great, but for some reason it didn't with more than 12 bits. I am not sure whether there is some sort of limitation or perhaps I missed something, but I've started to look for other ways to do the same thing.

I've found answer on this  post, in particular in one the comments that suggested to use dc - an arbitrary precision calculator:

Here is how you would convert binary to decimal it in linux:

echo "2 i BINARY BITS p" | dc

echo "2 i 11000000111001 p" | dc

and decimal to binary
echo "2 o DECIMAL NUMBER p" | dc
echo "2 o 12345 p" | dc

That's it! Thanks to Vocho Amerillo